Pressing the left mouse button while the I-type mouse cursor is
will produce a ``rubber box'', after you have let go of the
mouse button the selected text will be inverted and a small popup
menu will appear:
- clicking outside the popup will cancel the operation,
- selecting the <#1003#>[Cut]<#1003#> item with the left mouse button
will store the text in a buffer (the ``clipboard''). Doing the
same with the right button will append a
after each line,
- <#1006#>[Add]<#1006#> appends to the text already in the clipboard
(with the same difference between left and right mouse button),
- <#1008#>[Send]<#1008#> sends the text directly to the host computer2.6,
without using the clipboard (same usage of left and right button).
Two commands supplement this feature, <#467#>SaveClip<#467#> and <#468#>Insert<#468#> which
are available via the main popup menu:
- <#470#>SaveClip<#470#> allows you to save the contents of the clipboard to
a file,
's are mapped to
- <#474#>Insert<#474#> sends the contents of the clipboard to the host computer.
Additional operations on the clipboard are possible with seperate programs,
the clipboard can be accessed via the UniTerm parameter block, example programs
and documentation should be available with this manual.